The magic of continuous small improvements
06 Aug 2024
Kaizen is a Japanese word that roughly translates to continuous small improvements. Compound interest works the same way. For example if you do nothing for one year you end up where you started: 1.00 ^ 365 = 1.00. If you improve a little bit every day, 1.01 ^ 365 = 37.8, in a year you end up with almost 38 times more than what you started with.
All the greatest gains in life—in wealth, relationships, or knowledge—come from the magic of compounding interest—amplifying small steady gains. All you need for abundance is to keep adding 1% more than you subtract on a regular basis.
Kevin KelleyGood and evil both increase at a compound interest. That is why the little decisions we make each day are of such infinite importance.
The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of.
C.S. Lewis