A journal app written in Python. Uses the cryptography package for security.
How to install it
pip3 install emonk
How to use it
emonk <words or tags to search for>
Command line options
-h --help Show help.
-e --edit Edit entries.
--from-date FROM_DATE Get entries from this date.
-n N Get last N entries.
-t --tags List tags.
--to-date TO_DATE Get entries to this date.
-v --version Show version number.
Write a journal entry
Logical AND search
emonk apples oranges
Logical OR search
Enclose the OR with quotes.
emonk "apples|oranges"
Edit entries containing “apples”
emonk -e apples
Import journal entries from text file
emonk < lastweek.txt
Export journal entries to text file
emonk > exported.txt
Custom datetime format
Emonk stores journal entries using the ISO 8601 datetime format: yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm. To use another datetime format add it to the .emonk config file in your home directory:
date_time_format: "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p"
date_format: "%m/%d/%y"
Contact me
Send bug reports and patches to craig@seagrape.us.